
Monday, April 6, 2009

Another Haunted Mansion Tattoo

I received an email from one of our blog readers, Heather, showing off the picture of her new tattoo. I love it when fans show off their ink! I love it even more when they share what they love most about the mansion. Funny, it seems like so many of us fans have fond memories from childhood....

Heather had this to say:

"Wow, I've been a fan since I was a kid. I remember my brother and I standing in line waiting while my mother went to ride the train. Lol, this was back in the 70's when you could leave your kids alone.
I've been to both parks but I'm a WDW girl through and through though I'm desperately wanting to see Phantom Manor. It looks so different.
The HHG's are my favorite. I'd say all the wall coverings (ie. Wallpaper, changing portraits and ghosty picture frames) would totally be my fave if they counted as characters."

I love this tat! Can't wait to see it filled in. Keep us posted, Heather!

Also, on a side note, Disney artist Javier Soto will be featured this week on weekly podcast, talking about the Haunted Mansion 40th event. Be sure to tune in!


M.Gracey said...

Javier was telling me last night that he was going to be on the podcast, I cant wait to listen in!