
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My 24 hours with the Legendary Disney Imagineers! part 3

My son is feeling a bit better and I've got a moment to share a little more of our story.....

I find myself walking to the Haunted Mansion with X Atencio on my arm. It was a slow walk for which I was very grateful. I wanted to savor this moment forever. As we walk thru the gates, we see a blueish glow emanating from behind the large crowd gathered at the steps of the mansion. As we peer thru bodies, we see the 3 Hitchhiking Ghosts standing in front of the hearse, thumbs up in their iconic pose taking pictures with the fans. What an amazing thing to see.

Next to me I hear a soft voice start singing.
"When the crypt doors creak and the tombstones quake.
Spooks come out for a swinging wake."

I look over and see X, who has spotted the Hitchhiking Ghosts, singing the song he wrote nearly 40 years ago.  Staying true to my dorky self, I started singing along.  It was only after we were done singing that I realized that all this time we were sitting on our video camera and maybe now is a good time to use it.  I gave my husband the look, you know, the unspoken language between a husband and wife, where the wife glares at the husband to get what she wants?  Yeah, that look.  We did manage to get X singing a few verses of Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirates Life For Me.  Of course, that also means video of yours truly, in my darkest, I mean dorkiest hour!  

We stopped to take let X take a picture with the HitchHiking Ghosts and, of course, we had to jump in!  Again, I have to say thanks to Steve, doombug extraordinaire, for offering to take our picture together with X.  Prior to that, Sam and I had been swapping cameras to get pictures of each of us with X and it was awkward.  

The next thing I remember, I was in the stretching room, or The Gallery, of the Haunted Mansion.  There was a number of Doombugs sprawled out on the floor, which is always fun to see.  Yes, I have seen that before... actually, I have done that before.. *giggles*  The last ride of the night can be a lot of fun.  As the Ghost Host begins his spiel, I do what I always do, which is to quietly join in.  That's when it hits me, and hits me hard.  I'm standing next to the man that wrote these words, these words that I know by heart, these words that I say every time I get on the ride.  I'm overwhelmed with emotion, and I'm feeling extremely blessed and grateful.  As the doors open to long hallway, I realize that I've left my camera bag, with our other Nikon camera on the ground outside with the Hitchhiking ghosts!  
Oh, crap.
Do I run out now and leave X, or hope my camera is still there when I get off the ride?  Luckily, at that very moment, a CM walks by, and I share with her my dilemma.   She graciously offers to recover my camera so I may continue with X, who has made his way to the loading belt and the Doombuggy.  As I help him and Mrs. X on the Doombuggy, another CM slows the ride to allow me to capture a picture of  them on the ride.  Thanks to Brandon of Ghost Relations Dept. with his mad photoshop skills for making this my dream picture!

As I get in the following doombuggy with my husband, under the cover of darkness, my tears of joy and gratitude begin to fall.  
The evening ends with all 4 Disney Legends standing outside the Mansion.  What a great moment, a great evening, and a dream come true!

We had every intention of capturing tons of pics and every moment on video.  But as the evening continued, I either forgot all about my camera, or just didn't care to live the moment thru a viewfinder.  We did manage a few meager shots which I put together in this little compilation.  The song I chose is an early rendition of the mansion music, which I dearly love, but it is rather fuzzy.  I know this.  I don't need to get a dozen email telling me how bad it is.

I still have more to share.. the trip home with Harriet and Blaine, along with the X's was quite amazing.  But I'm feeling a little yucky in my tummy, so I will continue the final chapter on another day.  In the meantime, thanks so much for reading and enjoy the video!


Unknown said...

Can't wait to see more of the pictures!

imtigger said...

Excellent post!! Thank you!! My wife Laura and I met you and your husband very briefly at the Napa Rose... we had a blast! :)

I'll be posting my photos to the doombuggies forums SOON (although it's Tues 03/25, a little late?)

Thanks again! Love the video and I'd love to have a copy.

- Dan B imtigger (at) pacbell (dotttt) net ;)